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The Quest for a Universal Theory of Life : searching for life as we don't know it
Buku > Lt.4 UPT. Perpustakaan > 576.83 CAR t
Carol E. Cleland. . xiii, 245 hlm,ind.; 25,5 cm. Cambridge University Press. 2019. New York
Taking Sides
Buku > T.600.282 45 TAK
Levine, Carol. 12. xxvii, 360 hlm.; 23 cm. McGraw-Hill Contemporary. 2008. New York
American Women Inventors
Buku > IRC.609.227 3 CAM a
Camp, Carole Ann. Cet. 3. 104 hlm.; 23,5 cm.. Enslow Publishers, Inc.. 2004. New Jersey
Investigating Culture: An Experiential Introduction to Antropology
Buku > T.301 DEL i
Delaney, Carol. Cet. 10. xi, 441 hlm.; 24 cm.. Blackwell Publisher, Ltd.. 2009. Inggris
Manajemen Kelas untuk guru sekolah dasar
Buku > 370.68 CAR m
CAROLYN M. EVERTSON. ed.8 cet.1. ix, 329 hlm.; 24 cm. Kencana. 2011. Jakarta
Lessons from Good Language Teachers
Buku > Lt.3 UPT. Perpustakaan > 371.102 CAR L
Carol Griffiths. . xxix, 319 hlm,ind.; 23,5 cm. Cambridge University Press. 2020. New York
How to Multiply Your Child s Intelligence
Buku > T.155.3 LWI h
LWIN, MAY - LYEN, KENNETH - KHOO, ADAM - SIM, CAROLINE. CET.1. x, 285 hlm.; 23.5 cm. Prentice Hall Asia ELT. 2003. Singapore
How to Use A Consultant in Your Company : A Managers & Executives Guide
Buku > T.658.46 MCG h
MCGONAGLE, JOHN J. - VELLA, CAROLYN M.. . x, 278 p.; 24 cm.. John Willey & Sons. 2001. Canada