About 0.38 seconds
Innovations in Secondary Education
Buku > T.372.1 TRO i
TRONC, KEITH. . 230 hlm, ilus, 24 cm. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1977. Sydney
SOSIOLOGI POLITIK: Pengantar Politik
Buku > 320.12 KEI s
Keith Faulks. Cet. 1. xi, 364 hlm; 21 cm. Nusa Media. 2010. Bandung
Buku > 923.1 LOV s/1
Keith Loveard. Cet.1. 9-401 hlm;19cm. Horizon Books. 1999. Singapore
Political Sociology : A Critical Introduction
Buku > SS.320.013 FAU p
Self-Exciting Fluid Dynamos
Buku > Lt.4 UPT. Perpustakaan > 523.01886 KEI s
Keith Moffatt. . xviii, 520 hlm,ind.; 24,5 cm. Cambridge University Press. 2019. New York
School And Community
Buku > T.370.19310994 TRO s
TRONC, KEITH - CULLEN, PHIL. . ix, 222 p.; 24x19.5 cm.. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1976. sidney
Ethics: Theory and Practice
Buku > T.170 THI e
Thiroux, Jacques P. - Krasemann, Keith W.. Ed. 11. Cet. 1. xv, 458 hlm.; 25,5 cm.. Pearson Education, Inc.. 2012. Boston
Human Behavior At Work
Buku > A.658.3 DAV h
DAVIS, KEITH - Newstrom, John W.. . xxii, 584 hlm.; 23,5 cm.. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1985. New York
Shigley`s Mechanical Engineering Design
Buku > T.621 BUD s
Budynas, Richard G - NISBETT, J KEITH. ED.9. xxi, 1088 hlm.; 25 cm, indeks. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2011. Singapore
Switchmode Power Supply Handbook
Buku > T.621.382 32 BIL w
Billings, Keith - Morey, Taylor. ED. 3 Cet 1. xxxii, 1.3-4.137hlm.+I.22. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. 2011. New York
Langkah-Langkah Pemecahan masalah( Step by step Problem Solving): Pendekatan Rasional, Praktis, dan sudah teruji untuk memecahman masalah
Buku > 658.403 CHA
Rosyid, Abdul - CHANG, RICHARD Y - KELLY, P. KEITH. cet.3. viii, 94 hlm.; 21 cm. PPM (Lembaga Pendidikan Dan Pembinaan Manajemen). 2003. Jakarta
Intermediate algebra
Buku > T.512.9 BAR i
BARATTO, STEFAN - KOHLMETZ, KELLY KAISER - BERGMAN, BARRY. . xxv, 1088p.; 27.5x21.5 cm.. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2008. New York
Grolier Business Library: Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior
Buku > R.650.03 DAV g
DAVIS, KEITH. . xiii, 653 hlm, 24 cm. Grolier Incorporated. 1987. America
Pengantar Public Relations : teori dan praktik
Buku > 659.2 BUT p
Butterick, Keith - Nurul Hasfi. Cet. 1. xx, 254 hlm.; ilus.; 24 cm. Rajawali Pers. 2012. Jakarta
Digital Learning: The Key Concepts 2nd ed
Buku > Lt.3 UPT. Perpustakaan > 371.3344678 fra d
Frank Rennie, Keith Smyth. Edisi 2. xiv, 172 hlm.; 21,5 cm. Routledge. 2020. New York
The 3% Signal : The investing technique that will change your life
Buku > BI 332.678 KEL t
Kelly, Jason. Ed. 1, Cet. 1. xvii., 316 hlm.; 20 cm. Plume. 2015. New York
Mendampingi Anak Menghadapi Perceraian Orangtua
Buku > 173 COL m
COLE, KELLY - ADIANTARI, TISA. cet.1. xvii, 91 hlm., 20.5 cm.. Prestasi Pustaka. 2004. Jakarta
Teaching and Researching Language and Culture
Buku > T.420.7 Hal t
Candlin, Christopher N - Hall, David R - Hall, Joan Kelly. Cet.2. xi, 242 hlm, 23,5cm. Longman. 2004. london
HORIZONTAL MANGEMENT: Beyond Total Customer Satisfaction
Buku > A.658.812 DEN h
D.Keith Denton. Cet.10. xi, 211 Hlm; 24 cm. Lexington Books. 1991. New York
Sastra Indonesia Modern : Kritik Postkolonial
Buku > Lt.4 Perpustakaan > 810 FOU t
Editor. Keith Foulcher dan Tony Day. Ed. Revisi, Cet.1. xxiii, 468 hlm.; 24 cm. Yayasan Obor Indonesia. 2008. Jakarta
Grolier Business Library: Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior ,"Referensi","","0-7172-8511-1","Grolier Incorporated","1987","xiii, 653 hlm, 24 cm","","R.650.03 DAV g","Inggris","America","650.03","this text discusses many aspecs of human reseprce managemen, but from the unique perspective of change Bibliografi:0 Indeks:1 Abstrak:there are many book on human resource management (personal administration, industria relations, etc), but few on planning for human resource management. Concept research, theories, and techniques are abundan in the literatur and are valuable to both the manager and the academician.","C:Documents and SettingsUNITIRTAMy DocumentsMy PicturesCover Buku2006-02-20HRP.JPG","","","","";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Buku >
Innovations in Secondary Education ,"Tandon","","0-07-093401-0","McGraw-Hill Book Company","1977","230 hlm, ilus, 24 cm","","T.372.1 TRO i","Inggris","Sydney","372.1"," Bibliografi:1 Indeks:1 Abstrak:","","","","","";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Buku >
Teaching and Researching Language and Culture ,"Tandon","Cet.2","0-582-42337-6","Longman","2004","xi, 242 hlm, 23,5cm","Applied Linguistics In Action Series","T.420.7 Hal t","Inggris","london","420.7"," Bibliografi:1 Indeks:1 Abstrak:","","","","","";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Buku >
Significant Scribbles : Teacher's Manual, Writing For Fluency
Buku > T 411 KEL s
KELLY, CURTIS - Shortreed, Ian. Baru. 135 hlm, ilus; 30 cm. Longman Asia ELT. 2005. Hong Kong