About 0.3 seconds
Basic Writing
Buku > 420.7 REI b
REID, JOY M.. II. xiv, 246p., 23.5cm., ilust.. Longman. 1996. America
Leading Change
Buku >
KOOTER, JOHN P.. . x, 187p.; 23.5cm.. Harvard Business School Press. 1996. America
Laugh And Learn: 95 Ways To Use Humor For More Effective Teaching And Training
Buku > T.658.3124 TAM l
Tamblyn, Doni. Cet. 1. xiv, 256 hlm.; 23 cm.. Amacom. 2002. New York
Buku > F.813.308 NUG p
NUGROHO, DONATUS A.. Cet. 1. 184 hlm., ilust.; 17 cm.. CINTA. 2005. Bandung
Hubungan Masyarakat : Prinsip, kasus dan masalah Jilid 2 (Public Relations: Principles, Cases and Problem)
Buku > 659.2 MOO h
ONONG UCHJANA EFFENDY - MOORE, H. FRAZIER - TRIMO, LILAWATI - MALIK, DEDDY DJAMALUDIN. Cet.2. xvi, 304 hlm.; 16 x 24 cm. Remaja Rosdakarya. 2000. Bandung
Humas : Membangun Citra Dengan Komunikasi
Buku > 659.2 MOO h
MOORE, H. FRAZIER - TRIMO, LILAWATI - MALIK, DEDDY DJAMALUDIN. cet.1. xi, 683hlm.,. Remaja Rosdakarya. 2004. Bandung
Humas : Membangun Citra Dengan Komunikasi
Buku > 659.2 MOO h
MOORE, H. FRAZIER - TRIMO, LILAWATI - MALIK, DEDDY DJAMALUDIN. cet.2. xi, 683hlm.,. Remaja Rosdakarya. 2005. Bandung
The New Manager's Handbook: 24 Poin Penting Untuk Menguasai Peran Baru Anda sebagai Seorang Manajer
Buku > R.658.202 STE n
Stettner, Morey. Cet. III. x, 97 hlm, 23 cm. Bhuana Ilmu Populer. 2005. Jakarta
Critical Thinking
Buku > T.160 MOO c
Moore, Brooke Noel - Parker, Richard. Ed. 10 Cet. 1. xxviii, 546 hlm.; 25 cm.. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2012. New York
Critical Thinking
Buku > T.160 MOO c
Moore, Brooke Noel - Parker, Richard. Ed. 9. xix, 537 hlm.; 25,5 cm.. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2009. New York
Managerial Accounting
Buku > A.657.4 MOO m
Moore, Carl L. - Jaedicke, Robert K.. Ed. 3. xii, 707 hlm.; 24 cm.. South-Western Publishing Co.. 1972. Chicago
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part A; Introduction, Fossilization (Taphonomi), Biogeography and Biostratigraphy
Buku > R.562 Moo t
Moore, Raymond C.. . xxiii, A569 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1979. Kansas
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part G; Bryozoa
Buku > R.564 Moo t
Moore, Raymond C.. . xiii, G253 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1968. Kansas
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part I; Mollusca 1
Buku > R.564 Moo t
Moore, Raymond C.. . xxiii, I 351 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1964. Kansas
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part K; Mollusca 3
Buku > R.564 Moo t
Moore, Raymond C.. . xxviii, K519 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1964. Kansas
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part O; Arthropoda 1, Arthropoda-General Features, Protarthropoda, Euarthropoda-General Features, Trilobitomorpha
Buku > R.564 Moo t
Moore, Raymond C.. . xix, O560 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1968. Kansas
Switchmode Power Supply Handbook
Buku > T.621.382 32 BIL w
Billings, Keith - Morey, Taylor. ED. 3 Cet 1. xxxii, 1.3-4.137hlm.+I.22. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. 2011. New York
More Reading Power
Buku > T 428.64 MIK m
MIKULECKY, BEATRICE S. - Jeffries, Linda. II. viii, 276 hlm, ilus; 28 cm. Longman. 2003. New York, America
The Agility Advantage: How to Identify and Act on Opportunities in a Fast-Changing World
Buku > Lt.4 Perpustakaan > T 658.04 SET a
Amanda Setili. Ed. 1. xii, 241 pages ; 24 cm. CA Jossey-Bass A Wiley Brand. 2014. San Francisco
21st Century Guidebook to Fungi
Buku > Lt.4 UPT. Perpustakaan > 579.5 DAV t
David Moore. Edisi 2. x, 600 hlm,ind.; 28 cm. Cambridge University Press. 2020. New York
GLOBAL PARADOX The Bigger the World Economy, the More Powerful its Smallest Players
Buku > 330.9 NAI g/1
Pintar Memilih Minuman Antiobesitas Dan Diabetes, No More Juice Dan Boba
Buku > Lt.4 UPT. Perpustakaan > 616 HAN p
Hans Tandra. . x, 110 hlm,; 21 cm. Andi Ofset. 2021. Yogyakarta
A More Perfect UNION : Documents in U.S. History Vol. II:Since 1865
Buku > T.082 Bol m
Boller Jr.,Paul F. - Story, Ronald. II. xiii, 337p.; 21 cm.. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1988. Boston
A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History,. Volume I: To 1877
Buku > T.305.897.3 Bol m
Boller Jr.,Paul F. - Story, Ronald. 2. xv, 252 hlm, xiii, ilus, 16x23,5cm. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1988. Boston
Toward more effective science instruction in secondary education
Buku > T.372.1 AND t
Andersen, Hans O. - Koutnik, Paul G.. Print. 9. viii, 241 hlm, ilus, 23 cm. Macmillan Publishing. 1972. New York