Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part A; Introduction, Fossilization (Taphonomi), Biogeography and Biostratigraphy
Moore, Raymond C.. . xxiii, A569 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1979. Kansas
Category: buku
Published Year: 1979
Language: Indonesia
Location: R.562 Moo t
Address: UPT. Perpustakaan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Jl. Raya Palka KM 3 Sindangsari. Pabuaran Serang Banten.
- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part A; Introduction, Fossilization (Taphonomi), Biogeography and Biostratigraphy
- Buku > R.562 Moo tMoore, Raymond C.. . xxiii, A569 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1979. Kansas
- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part G; Bryozoa
- Buku > R.564 Moo tMoore, Raymond C.. . xiii, G253 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1968. Kansas
- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part I; Mollusca 1
- Buku > R.564 Moo tMoore, Raymond C.. . xxiii, I 351 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1964. Kansas
- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part K; Mollusca 3
- Buku > R.564 Moo tMoore, Raymond C.. . xxviii, K519 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1964. Kansas
- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part O; Arthropoda 1, Arthropoda-General Features, Protarthropoda, Euarthropoda-General Features, Trilobitomorpha
- Buku > R.564 Moo tMoore, Raymond C.. . xix, O560 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1968. Kansas
- Precalculus
- Buku > T.512.1 BAR pBARNETT, RAYMOND A. - ZIEGLER, MICHAEL R. - BYLEEN, KARL E.. VI. xxiv, 1171p.; 26x21cm.. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2008. New York
- Basic Writing
- Buku > 420.7 REI bREID, JOY M.. II. xiv, 246p., 23.5cm., ilust.. Longman. 1996. America
- Leading Change
- Buku >KOOTER, JOHN P.. . x, 187p.; 23.5cm.. Harvard Business School Press. 1996. America
- College Algebra
- Buku > T.512.9 BAR cBARNETT, RAYMOND A. - ZIEGLER, MICHAEL R. - BYLEEN, KARL E.. VIII. xxiii, 890p.; 26x21 cm.. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2008. New York
- College Phy
- Buku > T.530.01 SER cSerway, Raymond A. - Vuille, Chris. Cet. 11. xxxii, 1008+I.22 hlm.;27,5 cm.. Cengage Learning. 2012. America
- English Grammar In Use : A Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Student
- Buku > T.425 MUR eMURPHY, RAYMOND. II, p.7. ix, 307 p.; 24x18 cm.. Cambridge University Press. 1998. New York
- English Grammar In Use : A Self-Study Reference And Practice Book For Intermediate Students With Answers
- Buku > 425 MUR eMURPHY, RAYMOND. II. x, 350hlm., 24.5cm.. Erlangga. 2001. Jakarta
- Essential Grammar in Use: A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of english
- Buku > 425 MUR eMURPHY, RAYMOND. 1. x, 259 hlm, ilus, 24cm. Cambridge University Press. 1990. Inggris
- Finite Mathematics
- Buku > T.511.1 LIA fLIAL, MARGARET L. - GREENWELL, RAYMOND N. - RITCHEY, NATHAN P.. IX. lv, 689 p., ilust.; 25 x 20 cm.. Pearson Education, Inc.. 2008. America
- GENERAL CHEMISTRY: The Essential Conceps
- Buku > T.540 CHA gCHANG, RAYMOND. Ed 5. xxvi, 806 Hlm.;20 x 25 cm. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 2008. America
- Grammar in Use Intermediate with Answers
- Buku > 425 MUR gMURPHY, RAYMOND. Ed.2 Cet.21. ix, 341 Hlm; 25,5 cm. Cambridge University Press. 2008. New York
- Laugh And Learn: 95 Ways To Use Humor For More Effective Teaching And Training
- Buku > T.658.3124 TAM lTamblyn, Doni. Cet. 1. xiv, 256 hlm.; 23 cm.. Amacom. 2002. New York
- Pizzamore
- Buku > F.813.308 NUG pNUGROHO, DONATUS A.. Cet. 1. 184 hlm., ilust.; 17 cm.. CINTA. 2005. Bandung
- Buku > Lt.4 UPT. Perpustakaan > 540 RAY cRaymond Chang. Edisi 13. xxx, 1077 hlm.; 27 cm. MC.GRAW HILL. 2019. New York
- KIMIA DASAR :Konsep-Konsep Inti
- Buku > 540 RAY kRaymond Chang. Ed.3. xi + 427 hlm; 26 cm. PENERBIT ERLANGGA. 2004. Jakarta
- Membantu Anak-anak Termotivasi Dan Mencintai Belajar
- Buku > 372.2 WLOWLODKOWSKI, RAYMOND J.. . xiii, 226 hlm.; 20 cm. Pustaka Pelajar. 2004. Yogyakarta
- Sistem Informasi Manajemen
- Buku > 658.403 MCL sMCLEOD, RAYMOND JR - SCHELL, GEORGE P - Yuliyanto, Heri. ed.9. xxv, 463 hlm.; 25.5 cm. Indeks. 2007. Jakarta
- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part C, Protista 2; Sarcodina, Chiefly ''Thecamoebians'' and Foraminiferida., Volume 1
- Buku > R.562 Moo t.IMoore, Raymond C. - Loeblich JR, Alfred R. - Tappan, Helen. . xxxi, C510 hlm, ilus, 25 cm. University of Kansas Press. 1964. Kansas
- Critical Thinking
- Buku > T.160 MOO cMoore, Brooke Noel - Parker, Richard. Ed. 9. xix, 537 hlm.; 25,5 cm.. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2009. New York
- Managerial Accounting
- Buku > A.657.4 MOO mMoore, Carl L. - Jaedicke, Robert K.. Ed. 3. xii, 707 hlm.; 24 cm.. South-Western Publishing Co.. 1972. Chicago